For Individuals Learn how to become a leader people want to work with, not just have to work with.

Individual Leadership

Building leaders worth following

We work with individual leaders to improve their communication and relationships, leading to enhanced performance and expanded capacity.


A leader worth following


Leaders worth following


Healthy multiplication cultures

This is achieved by helping you know yourself so you can lead yourself and improve how you show up, ultimately impacting how your colleagues and family experience you. Immerse yourself in a leadership process that is guaranteed to equip you with tools and vocabulary that will make you a genuine leader; we call this a LIBERATOR.

Our Vision

Our goal is to develop healthy leaders who can create environments where everyone thrives. Our tools and processes help leaders maximize productivity and efficiency while reducing drama and gossip, directly impacting their effectiveness and retention.

Our Promise

We support leaders in becoming worth following, building their strength, and creating teams that attract and retain top talent.

Our Services

Comprehensive solutions for your leadership journey


Access world-class assessment tools to better understand communication, relationship, alignment, execution, capacity, culture and trust. Contact us for a full list of available assessments.


  • Self-Awareness
  • Personal & Team Leadership Development
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Personality Assessments
  • One on One Coaching & Executive Coaching


Get one-to-one coaching to help achieve your desired outcomes. Our team of experts will meet with leaders to work through specific challenges or develop overall leadership skills.

Digital Platforms

Leverage the GIANT Worldwide and Trust Edge Digital Platforms to spread the message of Liberation and Trust to a broader audience. Both GIANT and Trust Edge offer online platforms that facilitate scalable people development.

Contact us to discuss opportunities for your growth.
